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Tips Ways Shining Shining

December 17th, 2010 at 06:11 am

Hair mask is more like a professional skin care product which can completely improve the quality of hair. After using the mask, hair can be kept at a relevantly satisfactory quality for a long time as long as it is cared and protected according to correct procedures.Popular Things about your Classy

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It is not right to use hair mask frequently, otherwise the it will cause an adaptivity of hair and cannot achieve the expected effect. So one time a week for hair caring isi enough, and remember that, using the shampoo wash hair directly. It is good to daub avoid-wash hair conditioner that has the function to to close cuticle, resist dirty and sun, after finishing hair film. How to make a hair mask? Firstly, you should choose one reliable hair mask only for hair care use. The quality of hair mask is very important because it is quick to permeate, unqualified one will ruin your hair more quickly and completely. Then use the thermal steam method to make it more effective, if conditions not allow, you can use the hot towel or plastic wrap to wrap around the hair for 20 minutes instead of hot steam while bathing. How to reflect more light after dying? Dark colors has more light reflection than light colors. If your hair born with low color contain or you like light color hair,Buy Most Magnificent
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You could try the changing highlights method which can also increase the degree by level effect caused by the shade. What color is most suitable for you? In all of the colors red, purple series is most sensitive for liht, is easiest to change color for hightemperature and insolation, also most easily lossed when washed. And if the brown line fades, it develops to the yellow line, if your hair condition is already very bad, it will slowly become more like straw. So choose the dyeing color in according to seasons and your hair characer,and insist on using fixing color shampoo products after dyeing, it is the key to make your hair flash.

Pay attention to hair tails. It may help to add transmittance of your hair. Prune your hair tails once about 40 days to avoid split hair from blocking off rays of light. If the root is dry and entangled, you can use some hair essence in the hairpin before washing to moisture the hair, which can protect the harm to the root from washing. Smearing skills for speciallized shiny hair products: It's a good way to bright your hair with gel, bright hair mousse, hair lotions and other specialized bright hair products.

But suggest that not to use too much haircare products,or hair will be dead as mutton, and it would make the hair very heavy. Experience from professional stylists says that there’s no need to spread hair brightening products all over your hair to reach the best effect. You need only spread gel spray on your hand, and then drag and comb hair with your fingers from top to bottom.

This can well control the doses to bring natural hair. Finally spray some hair lotion to enhance the sense of light.

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